Saturday, October 11, 2014

Some Interesting Visualizations of Social Media and it's Impact on Society

The video above gives some numbers and statistics about social media sites and social media users. I found some of the information pretty interesting. It really shows how many people are using these social media sites!

This graph above shows approximately how many people use these social media sites. Facebook has more than 3 times the United State's population worth of users!

Take from:

Often I see people in a group where everyone is on their phones and there is little live social interaction going on between people. Sometimes I wonder what kind of toll this takes on a persons overall social health. Or does it really affect them at all? After all, they are on 'social' media.

Taken from:

Here is another video with some good information and statistics. I like how this video gives some of the ways social media has already changed our society, and the ways that different countries are using social media as a tool to better themselves.

Social media is undoubtedly a great tool for connecting people due to the large majority of individuals who now belong to at least one social network. It is much simpler to find old friends and reconnect with lost relatives. 
Taken from:

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