Thursday, December 4, 2014

Reflection — Personal Experiences with Social Media

I remember first being introduced to social media at the beginning of my eighth grade year. MySpace was the huge thing, and if you didn't have one, then you weren't 'cool.' You could make a profile, add your friends, add backgrounds, and customize anything that you wanted. This was a huge thing, because it was almost like hanging out with your friends whenever you were just stuck at home. You could chat, post pictures, make updates, change how you were feeling, and read about other people without ever having to talk to them. This was the first time that I can remember social media really taking off and beginning to change the way we interacted with each other.    

Now, six years later, social media use has increased dramatically. New technology like smartphones and tablets let us take social media where ever we are, and simplify the sites into apps that are easy to use and convenient. Status updates, post likes and comments, and notifications come straight to our phones, and make interacting with our friend and followers almost instantaneous. However, in my opinion, some people are overusing this technology to the point where it could potentially be bad for their social health. Instead of enjoying activities with friends and family in real life, people are constantly giving live updates to social media about what they are doing, posting pictures, viewing comments, etc., instead of actually enjoying the accompaniment of others. I think that some people are too quick to whip out their phone and post about something instead of actually being physically involved.

Personally, I do not think this technology is all bad. In fact, I believe that it is mostly good and is a very valuable tool for society. I love being able to go on Facebook or Instagram and connect with family that I do not see much in person. I can see pictures and updates of my cousins, nephews, aunts, uncles, etc., without having to get in my car and drive for seven hours! I do not overuse these sites, and in no way do I fell like I have "disconnected from society" like many critics say will happen with social media use. 


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